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The Impact of Louisiana’s Three Strikes Law on Repeat Offenders

Jul 05, 2024

Louisiana's Three Strikes Law and Its Impact on Repeat Offenders Historical Context Three strikes ...

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Understanding the Role of Miranda Rights in Criminal Proceedings: Protections and Limitations

Jun 15, 2024

What Are Your Miranda Rights? Rooted in the Fifth Amendment, Miranda rights are meant to protect yo...

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What Are Effective Defense Strategies for First-Time DUI Offenders?

May 09, 2024

What Are Louisiana's DUI Laws? Louisiana has a strong commitment to road safety and the prevention ...

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How does self-defense apply in cases of assault and battery charges?

Apr 14, 2024

How is Self-Defense Defined in Louisiana Law? The Louisiana Revised Statutes Tit. 14, § 18 covers ...

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Can a criminal conviction be overturned based on newly discovered evidence?

Mar 06, 2024

What Qualifies as Newly Discovered Evidence in a Criminal Case? The Louisiana Code of Criminal Proc...

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What are the legal implications of plea bargains for defendants?

Jan 05, 2024

What Is a Plea Bargain? The term “plea bargain” describes an arrangement usually negotiated bet...

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Underage DWI in Louisiana: Zero-Tolerance Policy and Unique Consequences

Dec 27, 2023

Navigating Underage DWI in Louisiana Like many other U.S. states, Louisiana faces a significant cha...

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Misdemeanor Probation in Louisiana: Alternative Sentencing and Rehabilitation Opportunities

Nov 17, 2023

Exploring Misdemeanor Probation in Louisiana Louisiana has been at the forefront of innovative appr...

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What New Legislation Means for DWI Offenders in Louisiana

Nov 17, 2023

Changes to Louisiana’s DWI Laws Louisiana has grappled with a persistent issue of drunk driving, ...

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