Can Your Employer Fire You For A Dui Charge?

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If you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you may have many concerns about your future. You may wonder if you will have to serve jail time, pay high fines, and are likely worried about having a permanent criminal record. In addition to these common concerns, you may also wonder how a DUI charge or conviction will affect your employment. In most cases, whether or not you can be terminated from your job is largely up to your employer. A Monroe DWI & DUI lawyer can help protect your job and your freedom.

Do I Have to Tell My Employer About a DUI Charge?

Generally speaking, you have no legal obligation to inform your employer that you were arrested or charged with driving under the influence. However, whether or not you still have an obligation to disclose the charge to your employer will depend on the type of job you have and if an employment contract is involved.

Even if you do not have a duty to disclose the DUI charge to your employer, it is important to remember that they may find out anyway. Newspapers and other print media outlets regularly access the arrest records in a certain area and they often publish the names of those accused, as well as the charges they are facing. Due to this, even if you are not the one to tell your employer, they may learn about the charges anyway. In some cases, it is better to be upfront with your employer before they find out about the case another way.

When are You Obligated to Tell Your Employer About a DUI Charge?

Although in many cases, you are not required to inform your employer about a DUI charge, there are times when you may be obligated to. These situations are as follows:

  • You are a professional driver: If you drive a commercial vehicle such as a bus or a commercial truck, you likely have a legal obligation to tell your employer about any DWI charge you face. If you refuse the chemical breath test or you fail the breathalyzer, you will automatically lose your driver’s license. In these cases, you most certainly have to tell your employer if you drive professionally.
  • You have an employment contract: Many employment contracts require employees to tell their employer any time they are charged with a criminal offense. In particular, teachers and government employees are usually required to inform their employer when they are charged with a crime, including a DUI.

Call Our DWI & DUI Lawyer in Monroe for a Free Consultation

If you have been charged with driving under the influence, our Monroe DWI & DUI lawyer at Whiddon Criminal Defense can help protect your employment and your freedom. Our skilled attorney knows the defense strategies that apply to your case and will use them effectively to help you beat the charges. Call us now at 318-594-3592 or contact us online to schedule a free review of your case and to learn more about how we can help.

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